
Metamorphosis Program

60 mins

60 min per day

30 Days

30 days

Starts on Purchase

Starts on Purchase

60 Mins

60 min
per day

30 Days

30 days

Start on Purchase

Starts on Purchase

Rs. 25,000/-

What’s holding you back?

Do you often get overwhelmed by your own emotions? Do you feel that your own thought process, habits and emotional pattern is working against you instead of working for you? Do you ever feel that you are meant for something else but dont know what that is? Do you feel you are living your life unconsciously, maybe in a self- sabotaging manner? It’s okay, you are not alone in this confusion. All of us at some point have felt this stagnation and confusion. The question at this stage is what’s next? What to do? What is the solution? How to turn everything working against me to work in my favour? It’s when you begin to question and critically examine your life, you take the first step towards changing things for the better. Transformation demands willpower, proper guidance and knowledge which is scarce and also quite overwhelming especially if you face them alone.

We have developed our 30-day Metamorphosis Program to empower you. We intend to make you  the agency of your own change by empowering you with our knowledge, techniques, guidance and mentorship. You are strong, you are courageous, you are capable. If at this moment you don’t feel so, it’s okay. We are here to help you re-discover your powerful self & re-engineer your life. Our program is carefully curated to take you through a well thought and detailed course of attunement, self-reflection and action. It involves a combination of a number of teaching methods. The course material is delivered through a series of audios, videos, workbooks alongside 1-to-1 consultation sessions and group sessions to keep you motivated and keep the process interactive. The program is divided into 3 phases with each phase having its own objective and outcomes. The goal is to let you first attune to the universal energies and get you into healthy habits of practicing breathing techniques and meditation. This is followed by detailed journaling over four major aspects of your life i.e. health & physical wellbeing, relationships, finance & career and lastly your inner self. Each phase involves multiple consultation sessions that helps to understand your personal stance and smoothly guide you into the next phase, which facilitates proper alignment between you and the course materials.

You might be feeling, what’s the catch?

Well there is a catch, we ask for your commitment towards this change. For us to be able to help you, we need you to put in the commitment and efforts to work towards this change. We can’t help you until you want to be helped.

What you will achieve

“ Life is a moving, breathing thing. We have to be willing to constantly evolve.
Perfection is constant transformation.”
- Nia Peeples

“Life is a moving, breathing thing. We have to be willing to constantly evolve. Perfection is constant transformation.”
- Nia Peeples

Curriculum Details

Rs. 25,000/-

Meet the instructor

Sana, Preeyanngi & Kalpana have come together to bring you the metamorphosis program. Preeyanngi , the co-founder of goldenhand, is an expert in pranayama & meditation. She will be sharing breathing techniques & guided meditation that she has mastered over 20 years of experience. Sana is a holistic healer with more than 5 years of experience in crystal healing & self reflection therapy. Her ability to create a safe environment for self reflection has helped numerous people understand themselves & their lives on a deeper level. Lastly, Kalpana with over 30 years of experience in astrology will give you insights derived from occult sciences. Know more about the experts on our About page.

Meet the instructor

Sana, Preeyanngi & Kalpana have come together to bring you the metamorphosis program. Preeyanngi , the co-founder of goldenhand, is an expert in pranayama & meditation. She will be sharing breathing techniques & guided meditation that she has mastered over 20 years of experience. Sana is a holistic healer with more than 5 years of experience in crystal healing & self reflection therapy. Her ability to create a safe environment for self reflection has helped numerous people understand themselves & their lives on a deeper level. Lastly, Kalpana with over 30 years of experience in astrology will give you insights derived from occult sciences. Know more about the experts on our About page.

Rs. 25,000/-

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