

Have you ever felt that life is just going in a loop? Do you feel agitated and irritated easily? Do you feel that your relationships and life are just not going the way you wish? Do you feel your confidence and self esteem is going down? Do you feel the smile on your face is no longer genuine? If you have been feeling either of this way, we just wish to tell you that we are here for you.  

Often the fast life and stressors around us make it difficult for us to take care of our mental health and wellbeing. We are humans and the fast paced lifestyle has made us work like computers – performing various tasks at once and often leave us overworked and exhausted. Even computers need a break to cool down, they need servicing to work up and have an external hard drive to store up all the pent up information from time to time. Then why shouldn’t we humans too have a space to cool down, relax, get serviced and release our pent up overburdening thoughts and stress to an external entity? We should. And we shouldn’t be thinking twice to even ask for it. With changing times, the importance of  maintenance of this processing unit (mental health) is getting recognised. However, people still shy away from openly talking about their struggles and seek help. We understand with societal stigma it can be difficult to come out and ask for help when it is needed.  But it shouldn’t be. Our counselling services create a safe and empowering space where every voice matters and every voice is heard.

Rs. 1,500/-

Rs. 500/-

Rs. 1500/-

What exactly happens in counselling?

Counselling is a process of servicing your processing unit i.e. your mental health through purposeful conversations. Counsellors can be understood as the gentle friend with a listening ear and abundance of experience. A concerned mentor who is dedicated to help you understand life when things get difficult. You will experience a safe &  judgement free environment. It will allow you to express yourself, understand your patterns & behaviours and learn how to use your strengths and weaknesses in your favour.

Our approach

Our counsellors have a holistic approach. We believe that each individual is different hence the approach needed for everyone should also be customised according to their needs. Our practice follows the principles of psychoanalysis, behaviourism and humanistic approaches with the combination of short term therapeutic techniques such as solution focused brief therapy.

Meet the instructor

Riya is our inhouse counselling psychologist. She holds the vision of making emotions a strength rather than seeing them as a sign of weakness. She believes in the power of narrative and is passionate about making mental health accessible to everyone. Her focus is to help you find your own solutions, to make you self sufficient.

Meet the instructor

Riya is our inhouse counselling psychologist. She holds the vision of making emotions a strength rather than seeing them as a sign of weakness. She believes in the power of narrative and is passionate about making mental health accessible to everyone. Her focus is to help you find your own solutions to make you self sufficient.

Rs. 1,500/-

Rs. 500/-

Rs. 1500/-

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