The School of life
Goldenhand reaches far & beyond the traditional education system. We develop programs that coach you about the most important subjects of life; with education that really matters and authentic tools and techniques that work in real world.
Accelerate your self development journey alongside our experienced professionals, structured curriculums & pure intent.
Holistic learning,
the goldenhand method

Programs are the structured courses we offer, courses like Pranayama & Meditation, Metamorphosis and Self Reflection. Explore to know more about each program.

We offer services like Tarot reading, Astrology & Crystal healing. Unlike our programs, these are independent sessions with counsellors that can be customised according to your needs.
Energy Flows Where Attention Goes
You need to ask this critical question to yourself for everything in life
Is it you or Is it yours?
Your body is yours. Your house is yours. Your car, your clothes, your possessions are yours. However, none of the above-mentioned is you. These are merely an extended version of yourself aka extended-self.
Isn’t it strange that we spend 90% of our lives trying to satisfy our extended material self.
We spend barely any time for our true self. Forget paying attention, many of us do not even know what true self is. This is due to our incomplete & broken education system that teaches everything but subjects that determine the quality of our life experience and the quality of our relationships, health, mindset and wellbeing.
Goldenhand’s programs teach you the subjects that actually matter the most in life.
Our Programs

Metamorphosis Program
The 30 day Metamorphosis Program takes you through a carefully designed & detailed course of reflection & action that has the power to truly transform you.This program involves the Self Reflection as well as the Pranayama & Meditation Programs. To make the experience more personal you will also get a combination of therapy consultations and occult sciences sessions to get to the roots of your objectives and design an action plan. The idea behind the course is to provide you with multifaceted exposure to enable wholesome self development.

Self Reflection Program
The 12 day Self Reflection Program is a necessity if you want to enable conscious living. As a consequence of our current fast paced lifestyle, we often put life on auto-pilot mode. We do not allow ourselves the time to Stop & Reflect. The curriculum encourages reflection, objective setting, planning and execution on the four basic building blocks of life i.e. Health & Physical Wellbeing, Relationships, Inner self and Career & Finance. You will get a lifetime access to a detailed workbook that can facilitate future self awareness practices.

Pranayama & Meditation Program
The 12 day Breathing & Meditation Program is focussed on teaching you an all in one 25 minute routine. You can achieve mindfulness as well as achieve all physical benefits of major breathing exercises only by doing this action packed routine. The CEOs, athletes, scholars & other high-achievers have endorsed breathing exercises & meditation worldwide. However, due to lack of proper guidance, people often struggle keeping up with it. This program aims to bridge the gap between you & some life changing habits.
Our Services

The times maybe hard. Our counselling service helps to keep your mind healthy and fight anxiety, stress and depression. Allow yourself a mental release.

Crystal Healing
Crystal healing is an energy based vibrational method that can help you deal with various emotional and physical issues by rebalancing your chakras.

Occult sciences
Step into the world of occult & explore the unknown with our experts. The universe has got a lot of insight to give, you just need to ask the right questions.
The Goldenhand Difference
The principals we stick by

R&D - Homegrown + Modern
We understand the effectiveness of authentic homegrown practices of India that have been taken for granted for years. The philosophical maxims of Vedic literature, where modern day yoga & meditation originated from, have stood the test of time. Hence, we use a combination of modern teaching techniques and authentic indigenous practices in our detailed programs.

Hands-on guidance
Our programs involve regular one-to-one interaction between the experts and the students unlike the majority of courses online. This hands-on support is necessary as it truly brings the focus on you. Self-development is not a one size fits all subject. A predefined framework has limitations in its capacity to cater to all kinds of individuals. We understand that & our experts make sure that our programs are tailored keeping you in mind.

Our team’s expertise range from practices like Pranayama & Meditation to Occult Sciences like tarot, astrology & reiki. Just in case our programs do not suit your objectives or your schedule, we can custom make a program catering exclusively to your needs.