Explore Goldenhand Services
Each individual is different & thus their needs, experiences and healing tendencies are also different. Goldenhand gives you the opportunity to choose from various consultation & healing practices. The services are provided as 1-to-1 consultation sessions with skilled experts having years of experience in their respective fields.

Occult sciences
Occult in a simple sense means going beyond the physical. It is the science of re-connection through energy. The gut feeling that you feel, the intuition that you experience, the good and bad vibes that your body senses is a way your body connects itself to universal energy. Occult sciences use this natural process and tap into the connection of mind, body and energy and help you gain meaningful insight. Explore practices like tarot, astrology, numerology and reiki.
Rs. 2,500/-

We are exposed to a ridiculous amount of content, thoughts and emotions because of spending more than necessary time on social media. On top of that, the pandemic is not helping the situation at all. Covid has shifted the paradigm completely. There is no certainty of health, career, education and even finances for that matter. However, we can’t afford to take this state of mental being as normal and ignore it because it can backfire to create greater damage in the future. Our experts can help you during such times of need. Counselling contrary to widespread belief isn’t only for people with severe mental health issues. It can be taken up by people of any age group irrespective of their severity of problems. Counselling can serve as a crucial way to keep up your mental wellbeing.
Rs. 1500/-

Crystal Healing
Crystal healing is a holistic, energy based, non-invasive form of healing method. In this practice our holistic healer cleanses your aura (energy fields ) by using crystals in or around your physical body best suited for the objective. Crystals are determined based on the imbalance and blockages of your chakras. Chakras are the energy core of our body. By matching the vibration of chakras with suitable crystals, our healers use vibrational energy to clear out the blockages and help you achieve relief from various physical and mental ailments.