
October horoscopes

October Horoscope 2022

Hello Tribe,

How are you beautiful people doing? 

Life is about taking chances. And when you have our readings guiding you, we are sure that you will make the most of it. Here is your horoscope for October. Happy reading.

Aries ♈

Your confidence is going to increase in this October month of festivals. Be sure to expose your special quality of leadership.

With the ability to do hard work, the full cooperation of luck will also be in your field of work.

Don’t be in a hurry to change jobs. Before taking big decisions in business, think carefully and move ahead. Loss is possible due to overconfidence. The economic situation will get better day by day. Sudden profit conditions will also be created. Profit is also possible from the stock market but invest carefully. There is a possibility of tension in married life, handle it. Improvement in the family environment is possible after October 16th. Any mistake in your love life can lead to separation, be careful. Students can get success through hard work even in adverse circumstances, and stay positive. Take care of your health.

Taurus ♉

The month of October may bring some problems for you. You will remain energetic till October 16, but due to excess anger, things can get worse. On the other hand, trying to suppress it will worsen health. There may be pressure in the workplace to complete unfinished tasks quickly. The financial situation can improve, however, it is important to avoid unnecessary spending. By the last week of the month, positive changes in job or business are possible. Be careful about any risky investments. It is a good time to buy a property after examining it. Be it a family environment or work area, avoid discord. Tension in married life cannot be ruled out. Make efforts in your love life. Time will be better for students. Conditions will be better for people living abroad or trying to do something by going abroad. Must pay attention to health. If the problem is more, donate some almonds daily to the shrine Or throw them in running water.

Gemini ♊

The month of October will bring an increase in confidence. With the increase in confidence, compatibility in your field of work will also increase. After a few ups and downs in the job and business, the situation will prove to be beneficial by the end of the month. The financial condition will be satisfactory after October 16th. Opportunities for sudden profits can come up, however, be mindful while investing in the stock market. The situation will be better from the second fortnight of the month in matters related to property. There will be a need to restrict and manage expenses, so avoid taking and giving loans. The family environment will become normal by the last week of the month. The problem related to illness will improve. Marital life will be healthy. Love life will be better. Take care of your health. Be aware of the problems related to the lungs, skin, and bones.

Cancer ♋

This month Luck will give its full support. This month’s financial conditions will improve. The situation of ups and downs with contingency in job or business will remain till the last week of October, however, post that you will notice a few changes. These changes can be – getting a promotion in a job, a bonus, increased respect, a big investment in the business, etc.Take full care of your expenses, and do not make risky investments. Post-October 16th is the right time to invest in property. Sadness can prevail due to the coming of an unwelcome guest or illness. Invest more time in your married life. Work on reducing the increased tension. Time will be favourable for students. Success will be possible for those who have failed so far in competitive exams. Favourable time of marriage. Take care of your health. Be careful while driving the car.

Leo ♌


Your contribution to encouraging and supporting your family will soon be realized by all. Be mindful of your speech, the harshness of tone can hurt your bonds. One can expect an improvement in financial conditions through mindful expenditure. There will be opportunities for profit avenues by overcoming adversity in business. The condition of the employed people will get better. They will receive happiness from all sides. Efforts of getting a Promotion will be successful. It’s a favourable time for those searching for a job. Be confident and give your best. Post-October 16th, do your best to stay away from negative thinking. If planning to invest in property, check the documents wisely. It is necessary to handle relationships in family, marital, and love life, some hidden problems may come to the fore.

Students will need to revisit their preparation. Some mistakes can be found in the preparation done online. Take care of your health. Overcome the situation of fear without reason and do Surya worship.

Virgo ♍


The time has come to get respect and recognition for your actions. This month Virgos can encounter new avenues of income. Success will be visible in business with some obstacles. There will also be opportunities for sudden monetary gains. Money can get stuck somewhere, so invest carefully. The inclination toward religion will increase. There is a possibility for a trip to religious places or foreign travel. The job situation will be better, you will be able to find relief in your work. Family troubles will be resolved. Avoid conflict of ego in marital life. New love relationships can be made with your efforts. Try to take the already ongoing love life to marriage. It will be necessary for the students to avoid overconfidence, only then will your success be confirmed. Take care of your health. There is a possibility of liver and genital problems.

Libra ♎

The month of October will be a month of luxury and expenditure for Libras. The situation of money gain will continue to develop. Along with profit, expenses will also increase. So be mindful of your spending. Despite the obstacles in the field of work, success will be achieved. So be patient. It is advisable to keep your ego in check. Disputes of ancestral property may continue to increase. It’s the right time to retrieve back the money stuck somewhere. Foreign travel seems possible. Avoid making any deal with an unknown person. There may be tension in the family due to your harsh speech, speak sweetly. Marital life will be healthy but after October 18, there may be some tension. Love life will be demanding, take decisions wisely. Students should not be careless about their studies and concentrate. Take care of your health. 

Scorpion 🦂

This month luck will be in your full support. There will be an increase in self-confidence which will continue till mid of October. New avenues of wealth will be discovered. Post-October 16th, there will be an increase in expenditure on health-related issues. If planning to take a big step in your career, it is advisable to do it before October 16th. Be cautious of any big investment in the stock market or any risky place. Be mindful while managing unnecessary expenses on material comforts. It is advisable to Control your anger as it can lead to unnecessary problems for your financial, physical, and mental health. Increased tension at home can tempt you to go away from home, but be calm and act with patience. Married life will be normal. For those planning to start a family, the desire for children can be fulfilled. Avoid boasting to yourself when it comes to love life.

There will be a favourable situation for the students. The desire to study or travel abroad can also be fulfilled. Do not ignore health-related issues. 

Sagittarius ♐

The month of October will demand hard work from you. Work will be favourable, So keep working hard. It is a possibility to receive new opportunities till October 16th. This month luck will be on its down low, so few difficulties can be experienced. However, with your self-confidence, you will be able to handle each situation strongly. This month the financial condition will be moderate. Recurrent expenses can appear due to illness or debt. But avoid taking a loan from anyone. Be careful while travelling abroad. Manage your anger throughout the month. The disturbing state of the family may persist till the end of this month. Tension might appear in married life after 17th October. Love life will go on as normal. There is no particular problem in health, but the disease that has calmed down earlier can trouble again. Avoid obesity.

Capricorn ♑

This month the economic condition will remain good. Your career will be better due to your bold decision, but be cautious while making risky decisions. Luck will continue to support your work and success. Your own will envy your success, walk with caution. The possibility of any deception cannot be ruled out, be alert. You will feel unhappy despite the favourable conditions from all sides, you must try to keep yourself happy and focus on your health. Avoid conflicts with parents in the family. Marital life will be healthy, if there was any problem before in the family then it will also get resolved. Love life will be somewhat better than normal. It will be possible for the students to move towards their goals despite some obstacles. The situation will remain strong in competitive examinations after October 16th. Do not take any health problems lightly, get proper treatment.

Aquarius ♒

There will be an enthusiastic situation in the career. Promotion with increment in the job can be expected by October 16. There will be many opportunities for sudden gains in business.

Fate will be a big supporter. After October 16th, the stalled work will gain momentum. Those who want to change jobs can get good opportunities. With courage and confidence, you will be able to get ahead of your rivals but recognize overconfidence. The situation will be favourable if there is a desire to go abroad or settle there. Take care of the health of the parents in the family. Don’t use an authoritative tone. There will be peace in married life, and avoid humiliation by your Partner. There will be a feeling of inner satisfaction in love life. There may be complaints of infection and indigestion in health. Take care of your diet.

Pieces ♓

In your career, you can keep the situations favourable to your advantage with your full efficiency. If you overcome laziness and negative thinking, then you will be able to improve your financial situation a lot, otherwise, income and expenditure will come together. After October 20th, will be a better time to buy land, flats, or vehicle. Invest money in the right place. Avoid taking a risk in the stock market. It is time for growth in a job or business, make full use of your imaginary intelligence and move forward. If any debt or court case was bothering you, then now you will get relief from it. The court case will most likely be in your favour and you will be in a position to repay the loan by the end of this month. Tension can remain in family life, stay away from any intoxicant habit. Married life can lead to separation due to mistrust, handle it calmly. Love life will remain healthy despite the stress. Students must avoid laziness, only then they will be able to perform better. Take care of your health. Avoid obesity, liver problems, and skin problems.

We hope these readings have been guiding you well. To have your personalized reading done Whatsapp us on:+91 86021 20900 or Dm us on 

See you next month!

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